Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sewing for My Lazy Self: Marisa's Ghostbuster Skirt, Part 2-ish--The Actual Work

Not long ago, I posted about sewing a skirt and petticoat for a convention I was going to. Well, okay, the planning out part. So, I actually got started on Saturday last, convinced that this was really much easier than it looked. After all, it's an elastic waist skirt and the same pattern could then be modified to make the sash waist skirt I wanted.

Oh, how wrong I was.

I've mentioned it before, but let me say it again: tulle and I get on like a house on fire. You know, smoke, flames, people running around and screaming, massive property damage. As it is, I got two yards of very fine tulle and began making the "poof layers of the petticoat, but then decided I'd overdone it and took a little out. Then I gathered it and discovered that, now that it was gathered, there wasn't really enough to go around my waist and hips. Fine, I said, and resolved for what feels like the umpteenth time in this project to lay the whole mess aside and go to bed.

I awoke this morning with the resolution that, before my noon appointment, I would add the strips back on, gather those new strips, and attach them to the skirt and damn the consequences. While I'm out, I will be buying more tulle, because even for a casual petti, this petticoat is not nearly fluffy enough. And Wednesday, I will sew the gray and orange skirt. Come hell, havoc, or high water, I will have this done and I will be wearing it at the con and the demons of crappy sewing and failure can all just bite me. If I have to sit at the registration desk while I volunteer and run a damn sewing machine in between floods of guests, that's what I'll do!

See this? This is my determined face.

So, until another day, this is Brenna, wishing you lots of luck, love and living space! Remember, I'm no expert, I'm learning as I go!

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