Monday, August 16, 2010

Cooking and Planning for Lolita Parties: Country Loli Beginning-of-Harvest Picnic

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the first post in what I hope will be a long and productive series here on SFL: Cooking and Planning for Lolita Parties!

The theme for the month of August (okay, what's left of it) is Country Loli. Think soft ginghams, fresh berries, and wildflowers in your hair, with ladybugs and gentle fawns grazing in the fields. Of course, for those of us with allergies or who have no inclination for country living, maybe we should stick with the clothes and the occasional picnic like this one.

August is the month when many temperate climate farms begin the harvest. Many modern nature religions hold a festival around this time called Lughnasadh (luna-sta), or Lammas (meaning the feast of the loaf). It's a good time for a party, both to celebrate the good times we've had with our friends and family during the summer and to remember how fortunate we are to have the resources for such a feast. True, the weather in August can be quick to change, especially here in Virginia. I just returned home from a camping trip in some of the nicest weather I can remember and now it's raining hard. But, who says you can't move your festivities indoors? Nobody ever said a picnic had to be outside!

We'll start by planning the menu. Every so often, I'll post a recipe from the menu laid out at the beginning of the month, along with serving and garnish tips, keeping in mind that this month has a shorter time limit.

--Savory Pumpkin Soup
--Homemade Whole Wheat Bread
--Anne and Diana's Avonlea Sandwiches
--Sunflower Seed Cookies
--Cider Tea Punch, Water, and Various Juices
--Fresh Fruit and Vegetables with Peanut Butter, Honey and Ranch Dip

The key to any party menu is variety. Too many sweets and your guests will get a sugar crash, midway through the party. Too many savories and they'll drink every liquid in sight. And you never know who has what allergies, dietary restrictions or preferences. This menu will hopefully have something for everyone, but feel free to add or remove recipes as you so desire. These are just suggestions.

See you all again tomorrow, when I'll discuss sewing my first coordinate and the complications thereof. Have fun and remember, I'm no expert, I'm learning as I go!


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